Monday, 11 February 2008

Feeling hungry!

Well Neil was certainly a lot brighter when we visited him on Sunday. When I arrived he said he was bored, so bored, so very bored - he'd been waiting for me to arrive since 7.00 am and watched the clock pass each hour! He doesn't want to read the paper or watch the TV (I know exactly how he feels - nothing seems important now). I haven't got a clue what's going on in the outside world at the moment. I went up with my Mum and Simon Tonge and we popped to Sainsburys first to buy some lunch. Neil was keen to have a salad the day before so Simon bought him a lovely chicken salad. However, when we arrived and the salad was produced he said what he really fancied was a Big Mac, chips and coke! Simon went straight out to McDonalds and bought it for him - he stuffed his face and enjoyed every mouthful. Physio grinds to a halt at the weekends and so nobody had been around to see him but he was doing his exercises for most of the time we were there and was cross with himself that he couldn't do more. Mum and Simon left and Neil and I had some time alone. I popped up on the bed with him and nearly dozed off! My sisters Julia and Nikkie turned up an hour later and disturbed the peaceful atmosphere! One of Neil's ward mates is a lovely guy called Lee who was stabbed a few days ago - they chat together in the mornings and the evenings when visiting times are over. Neil ate his macaroni cheese and carrots and we left shortly afterwards. He was in fairly good spirits but said he was now going to be bored until my next visit!


Anonymous said...

hi neil,lovely to see you getting your appetite back.keep working hard on the physio,and you will be out of there in no time. did you see the chelsea match yesterday[boring 0-0]but still gained a point on man utd.exellent.wishing you a speedy recovery mate. keith,bev,holly,conor,ryan ps. now your a FAT old git! xxxxx

Anonymous said...

I don't know what was funniest, the looks I got taking the Big Mac into the ward or Neil disposing of the evidence!
Good to see Neil looking so hungry!
He's doing so well, but progess about 10th the speed he wants it to be! Patience not determination lacking. Simon T x