Sunday, 5 October 2008

One Day I'll Get My Wish!

It's been a while now since I last wrote. Hope you are all well.

I paid another visit to Royal London Hospital and they've now signed me off . They said it's still early days for my breathing to improve because they reckon on 12 to 18 months after you've been in intensive care. I happened to meet up with one of the male nursing staff who was on my operation, and his only comment to me was that 'I owe him a nights sleep' after what I put him through. After my consultation they agreed that I'm about 75 to 80% better, so I should be happy! but am I?

I'm enjoying reffing again but need to get off pretty quickly as I get terribly upset after the games, I'm sure I don't have to tell you why. I thought it might get easier to deal with, but it gets so much harder.

People have been fantastic, and I'm happy to admit, that at times I don't appear to be grateful for all that has been done.

Next year with the help of other great people we hope to do an annual event for the children. Still to be confirmed but will let you know early next year.

Nearly 10 months have now passed and alot has happened. To you all, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Nearly £30,000.00 quid in on and off-line charity donations do I need to say anymore!

To all, look after yourselves.

One day I'll get my wish! x

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